
1969 – A year for the aviation history books

The year 1969 marked the history of aero­space like virtually no other with the moon landing, the foun­dations of world-class aviation groups, the start of the jumbo jet age and super­sonic pas­sen­ger travel.

03.2019 | author: Denis Dilba | 9 mins reading time

Denis Dilba holds a degree in mechatronics, is a graduate of the German School of Journalism, and founded the “Substanz” digital science magazine. He writes articles about a wide variety of technical and business themes.

A selection of the key events in aviation history from 1969

The an­ces­tor of the jum­bo jet, Boe­ing’s “RA001” 747 pro­to­type, takes off from the U.S. com­pa­ny’s air­port in Everett near Seat­tle. With a wingspan of 60 me­ters and dis­tinc­tive cock­pit hump, this 70-me­ter gi­ant is still pow­ered ex­clu­sive­ly by Pratt & Whit­ney JT9D en­gines. From 1973 on­wards, the jum­bo would be equipped with the pop­u­lar CF6-50 en­gine. To­day, the CF6 se­ries—for which MTU has been a risk and rev­enue shar­ing part­ner since 1971—re­mains one of the world’s most suc­cess­ful en­gine fam­i­lies.

Con­corde takes off from Toulouse-Bla­gnac on its first test flight. Over the next few months, the su­per­son­ic pas­sen­ger air­craft de­vel­oped by the French and British avi­a­tion in­dus­tries to­geth­er would fly be­low the speed of sound; on­ly in Oc­to­ber would it first break the sound bar­ri­er. Con­corde en­tered com­mer­cial ser­vice in 1976. How­ev­er, su­per­son­ic pas­sen­ger flight did not turn out to be big busi­ness, so much so that the two op­er­at­ing air­lines Air France and British Air­ways re­tired the Con­corde in late Oc­to­ber 2003 af­ter one of the jets crashed. Thanks to its slim­line de­sign and a top speed of up to 2,400 km/h, this air­craft still reigns as the queen of the skies.

At the Paris Air Show in Le Bour­get, French trans­port min­is­ter Jean Chamant and Ger­man eco­nom­ic min­is­ter Karl Schiller sign the con­tract to build what would be­come the Air­bus A300. A year af­ter the con­tract sign­ing, the Air­bus In­dus­trie con­sor­tium was found­ed. This marked the be­gin­ning of the end for the Unit­ed States’ un­con­test­ed su­prema­cy in the pas­sen­ger air­craft mar­ket.

Fol­low­ing its maid­en flight on New Year’s Eve 1968, the Tupolew Tu-144 be­comes the first com­mer­cial su­per­son­ic air­craft to break the sound bar­ri­er in June 1969. How­ev­er, the tech­ni­cal­ly un­der­de­vel­oped jet would en­joy just as lit­tle suc­cess as its West-Eu­ro­pean coun­ter­part: the Tu-144 trans­port­ed just 3,284 pas­sen­gers on 55 flights. The de­vel­op­ment pro­gram was halt­ed in 1983. Of the 16 air­craft pro­duced, to­day on­ly 5 are avail­able to the pub­lic, in­clud­ing at the Tech­nik Mu­se­um Sin­sheim in Ger­many.


Jumbo jet: Until 2005, the Boeing 747 was the world’s largest passenger aircraft.


Queen of the skies: Despite its speed and sleek shape, the Concorde did not manage to make supersonic passenger flights into a sustainable business.


Droop nose: Both the Concorde and the Tupolev Tu-144 featured a nose cone that pilots could lower to improve visibility on the ground.


Groundbreaking: Founded 50 years ago, MTU München became MTU Aero Engines in the year 2000.


Vertical takeoff aircraft: To this date, the Do 31 remains the world’s only transport aircraft to achieve vertical takeoff and landing. In the picture: the prototype outside the Dornier museum in Friedrichshafen.


Short but sweet: The Trident 3B flew for only 17 years. Competition from Boeing with its quieter and more efficient aircraft was simply too tough.

On Ju­ly 11, MTU Mo­toren- und Tur­binen-Union München GmbH MAN May­bach Mer­cedes-Benz was found­ed, known as MTU München for short. Ba­sis for the foun­da­tion is a con­tract be­tween MAN Turbo GmbH and Daim­ler-Benz that de­fined the con­sol­i­da­tion of the two com­pa­nies’ tur­bo air­craft en­gine and high-speed diesel en­gine ac­tiv­i­ties; in ad­di­tion to MTU München (air­craft en­gines), MTU Friedrichshafen (diesel en­gines) was al­so found­ed.

On Ju­ly 21 at 3:56 a.m. CET, U.S. as­tro­naut Neil Arm­strong be­came the first man on the moon. He was fol­lowed by Buzz Aldrin. Some 600 mil­lion TV view­ers ex­pe­ri­ence the event via live broad­cast. Michael Collins, the third as­tro­naut on the Apol­lo 11 mis­sion, stayed on board the Co­lum­bia moth­er­ship, which could not or­bit the moon in­de­pen­dent­ly. On Ju­ly 24, Apol­lo 11 re­turned to Earth.

The Brazil­ian gov­ern­ment founds Em­pre­sa Brasileira de Aeronáu­ti­ca, bet­ter known as Em­braer. Af­ter its pri­va­ti­za­tion in 1994, the avi­a­tion group ris­es to be­come the fourth largest air­craft man­u­fac­tur­er be­hind Air­bus, Boe­ing and Bom­bardier Aero­space.

Made by J. Wag­n­er He­li­coptertech­nik, Friedrichshafen-Fis­chbach, the FJ-Sky-Trac is the first he­li­copter de­vel­oped in Ger­many since the Sec­ond World War and re­ceives type ap­proval from the Ger­man Fed­er­al Avi­a­tion Of­fice.

The Ger­man gov­ern­ment ends the de­vel­op­ment pro­gram for the Dornier Do 31 ver­ti­cal take­off air­craft: due to a new NA­TO doc­trine and a shift in Ger­man Armed Forces re­quire­ments, the con­cept is de­clared to have no fu­ture for mil­i­tary ap­pli­ca­tions. The Do 31 is nev­er­the­less a tech­ni­cal mas­ter­piece and marks a mile­stone in avi­a­tion his­to­ry. To­day it re­mains the on­ly jet-pow­ered trans­port air­craft to achieve ver­ti­cal take­off and land­ing.

Tri­dent 3B, made by British man­u­fac­tur­er Hawk­er Sid­de­ley, takes off for the first time. Orig­i­nal­ly a three-en­gine air­craft, this Tri­dent mod­el was equipped with a fourth en­gine on its tail as­sem­bly to pro­vide ex­tra thrust dur­ing take­off. This ex­ot­ic air­craft was de­vel­oped spe­cial­ly for British Eu­ro­pean Air­ways (BEA) and of­fered space for 180 pas­sen­gers. Loud­er and con­sum­ing more kerosene than its ri­val, the Boe­ing 737, the 3B was re­tired by BEA in 1986.

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AEROREPORT is an aviation magazine published by MTU Aero Engines, Germany's leading engine manufacturer. Neatly summed up, AEROREPORT offers an MTU perspective on the world of aviation. The word “REPORT” in the title stands for the high-tech and outstanding service “made by MTU”. “AERO” represents broader horizons and general aviation topics.

Flying and the technologies that make it possible yield a wealth of content for the magazine, which makes for some truly fascinating reading: stories from over one hundred years of history and plenty of exciting features on topics with a bearing on the future of aviation, such as climate change, population growth and limited resources.