
Using multi­physics simu­lations to boost efficiency

Fritz Hoffmeister is developing a multi­physics simu­lation model that will enable a complex electro­chemical machining process to be digitally mapped in full for the very first time.

05.2019 | author: Thorsten Rienth | 3 mins reading time

Thorsten Rienth writes as a freelance journalist for AEROREPORT. In addition to the aerospace industry, his technical writing focuses on rail traffic and the transportation industry.

The screen shows two met­al work­pieces: a small, round one on the left, and a larg­er ob­long-shaped one on the right. Small dots dart be­tween them, re­sem­bling a swarm of wasps in a nest. While some take the short­est path, oth­ers go the long way—from the up­per end of the ob­long met­al work­piece right around the back of the small round one, for in­stance. The dots in the swarm rep­re­sent ions in an elec­tric field.

AEROREPORT series: Engine Experts

Act­ing as minute atom-sized shut­tles, the ions dis­solve met­al from the work­piece. In this process of elec­tro­chem­i­cal dis­so­lu­tion, the tool used—which serves as the cath­ode—ex­pe­ri­ences es­sen­tial­ly no wear, of­fer­ing a rev­o­lu­tion­ary ap­proach to ma­chin­ing the high-strength ma­te­ri­als used to pro­duce en­gine air­foils. Sub­trac­tive ma­chin­ing of such met­als would re­sult in tool wear so ex­treme that it would ren­der the whole process too ex­pen­sive.

Elec­tro­chem­i­cal ma­chin­ing, or ECM for short, of­fers up many ques­tions: Which work­ing cur­rent at which feed rate achieves the best geo­met­ric re­sults? How does the cur­rent den­si­ty af­fect the hy­dro­gen gen­er­at­ed in the process and the sur­face qual­i­ty of the work­piece? And, what ef­fect does the pres­sure of the elec­trolyte flow ac­tu­al­ly have on all that any­way? “In the past, we al­ways had to re­ly on tri­al and er­ror to an­swer these ques­tions,” Hoffmeis­ter ex­plains.

A simulation model is set to digitally map all the dif­fer­ent inter­de­pend­encies that occur in the electro­chemical machining of engine airfoils. Hover over the image for a bigger view

A simulation model is set to digitally map all the dif­fer­ent inter­de­pend­encies that occur in the electro­chemical machining of engine airfoils.

A simulation model is set to digitally map all the dif­fer­ent inter­de­pend­encies that occur in the electro­chemical machining of engine airfoils.

The 29-year-old wrote his master’s thesis on multi­physics simu­lation of the electro­chemical machining process, and it was this paper that first brought him to MTU. Hover over the image for a bigger view

The 29-year-old wrote his master’s thesis on multi­physics simu­lation of the electro­chemical machining process, and it was this paper that first brought him to MTU.

The 29-year-old wrote his master’s thesis on multi­physics simu­lation of the electro­chemical machining process, and it was this paper that first brought him to MTU.

Video: High-tech manufacturing process in use at MTU: Electrochemical machining Article with video

High-tech manufacturing process in use at MTU: Electrochemical machining

Electrochemical machining, or ECM for short, is a generic term that covers a group of various electrochemical metal removal processes. They all remove material based on the anodic dissolution of the metal during electrolysis. To the video

Out of ne­ces­si­ty—be­cause there was no oth­er way. This ap­proach com­mand­ed a huge amount of time and ef­fort: Set­ting up and run­ning the test, then mea­sur­ing the part. Chang­ing a cou­ple of pa­ra­me­ters. Start­ing again from the top, and then again from scratch for every new part. All the ex­pe­ri­ence MTU has gained with this process nat­u­ral­ly helps to speed things up, but Hoffmeis­ter, who has just turned 29, is look­ing for a much short­er way to achieve the same re­sults. He asked him­self, “What if we were able to sim­u­late all these in­ter­ac­tions with mi­crom­e­ter pre­ci­sion?”

To an­swer that, Hoffmeis­ter opt­ed to take the mul­ti­physics sim­u­la­tion route: “We’re de­vel­op­ing a sim­u­la­tion mod­el that in­cor­po­rates chem­i­cal re­ac­tions, heat trans­fer, mul­ti-phase flu­id flow and the elec­tric field. Es­sen­tial­ly, by sim­u­lat­ing cur­rent flow, we can cal­cu­late the ma­te­r­i­al re­moval rate and con­se­quent­ly the fi­nal geome­tries with ex­treme pre­ci­sion. Put sim­ply, we feed the geome­tries of a new com­po­nent in­to a su­per­com­put­er and run through the it­er­a­tions in a vir­tu­al en­vi­ron­ment. It al­ready works well in 2D, but 3D sim­u­la­tion will be es­sen­tial for in­dus­tri­al ap­pli­ca­tion. We’re work­ing hard on that.”

Hoffmeis­ter earned his bach­e­lor’s de­gree in me­chan­i­cal en­gi­neer­ing be­fore go­ing on to com­plete his MSc in com­pu­ta­tion­al en­gi­neer­ing and sim­u­la­tion at Mu­nich Uni­ver­si­ty of Ap­plied Sci­ences. Dur­ing his stud­ies, Hoffmeis­ter worked at a com­pa­ny in the au­to­mo­tive in­dus­try, where he was re­spon­si­ble for cal­cu­lat­ing ve­hi­cle crash and airbag sim­u­la­tions—the lat­ter us­ing mul­ti­physics. It was his mas­ter’s the­sis—“Nu­mer­i­cal sim­u­la­tion of 3D elec­trolyte flow and the ful­ly cou­pled 2D mul­ti­physics of the ECM process”—that brought Hoffmeis­ter to MTU.

And it’s no co­in­ci­dence that the ti­tle of his pa­per re­flects ex­act­ly what Hoffmeis­ter does at MTU to­day. As his mas­ter’s the­sis was near­ing com­ple­tion, MTU of­fered him a per­ma­nent po­si­tion at the com­pa­ny, which he glad­ly ac­cept­ed.

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AEROREPORT is an aviation magazine published by MTU Aero Engines, Germany's leading engine manufacturer. Neatly summed up, AEROREPORT offers an MTU perspective on the world of aviation. The word “REPORT” in the title stands for the high-tech and outstanding service “made by MTU”. “AERO” represents broader horizons and general aviation topics.

Flying and the technologies that make it possible yield a wealth of content for the magazine, which makes for some truly fascinating reading: stories from over one hundred years of history and plenty of exciting features on topics with a bearing on the future of aviation, such as climate change, population growth and limited resources.